The overall objective is twofold: (i) to improve the overall user experience that acts as a tourist in the cross-border region and (ii) to enhance the natural and cultural heritage of the region through smart technology and thematic tourism, attracting a new audience and providing advanced and quality services to all.
This addresses the programme’s overall objective through the following main objectives (O):
• (O1) Increase the capacity of tour agents and operators in promoting their local and regional identities and thematic touristic packages.
• (O2) Create new routes and exploit existing routes by categorizing them into thematic touristic packages for promoting tourism in the region through alternative but quality services.
• (O3) Create networks among project partners and wider groups of stakeholders with the aim to exchange experiences, know-how and information and coordinate the formulation of policies on promoting thematic tourism through the use of new technologies.
• (O4) Reduce seasonality and improve the quality of tourists in the areas of interest in the cross border region.
• (O5) Improve the visibility of cultural assets and natural wealth of the participating areas.
• (O6) Result to a common brand name for thematic touristic packages between Greece and Albania, the “THEMA” brand that will include thematic packages, embedding individual paths and trails, to promote the common natural, cultural and historical identity of the area of interest.
• (O7) Engage users and motivate them to share thoughts and comments on improving the THEMA services as well as to share experiences after utilizing the THEMA mobile app and touristic packages.
The innovations that THEMA creates, address the challenges and needs of the programme area and the overall objective. To this end, THEMA targets the Specific Objective 2.1 under the Priority Axis 2.