(CNN) — Greece’s tourism appeal is no secret, but with most of us still in the midst of the Covid-19 crisis, the idea of spending our summer there can only be a distant dream.
Or maybe not, say Greek officials.
The Mediterranean nation appears to be a rare coronavirus success story.
By enforcing a strict and early lockdown, the country has managed to keep deaths incredibly low — just around 150 so far.
This week, some businesses like hairdressers and bookstores were allowed to re-open for the first time.
And the country’s pragmatic prime minister, Kyriakos Mitsotakis, thinks it may, ever so cautiously, be a model for welcoming back some travelers this summer.
“The tourism experience this summer may be slightly different from what you’ve had in previous years,” Mitsotakis told CNN’s Nic Robertson when they sat down — socially distanced — in his office this week.
“Maybe no bars may be open, or no tight crowds, but you can still get a fantastic experience in Greece — provided that the global epidemic is on a downward path.”